Crandall & Mercy Blu-Ray Reviews: A Serious Man

Here we have the newest Blu-Ray Review by Crandall and Mercy. They are covering the latest Joel Coen and Ethan Coen (aka the Coen Brothers) movie, A Serious Man.

About Mercy 7 Articles
FILMMAKER Code Name: Mercy File Name: Classified Primary MOS: Movie Reviewer Secondary Movie Specialty: Popcorn Consumption Place of Birth: CLASSIFIED | Subject served in Midnight Screening Patrols in Kitchener, Ontario. Left the service to study mystic martial arts with the same Ninja family that produced Matt Crandall. Mercy was living an ascetic existence alone in his basement with his pet projector Timber when he was recruited for the 10MFH Team.


  1. Iam really looking forward to look at the oscars in a few days. All the stars walking by, especially the girls in their shine trough dresses ;). The movie Avatar will be the biggest winner i think…

  2. I am truly looking forward to look at the oscars soon. All the big stars walking by, and really the girls in their skinny dresses ;). Avatar will be the biggest winner i guess…

  3. I am amazed that both of you have nearly the same opinion! It’s almost as if you were related somehow! That is amazing! Would you like to click on our google ads and buy those products?
    It’s the least you can do if you want to try and spam the site…

I suppose you have a better thought on the subject?

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