Kyle’s Untitled Column

All sites need a top ten list, so here’s mine: Kyle’s Top Ten Iron Man Armors.
So how’s that for topical? New trailer, new toys-general human race attention span briefly shining on all things Tony Stark…..Never say we here at 10mfh […]

Dear Fanboys: Shut the fuck up!
Gonna make this quick as I want to crash for the night, but I feel this needs saying before the energy winds down. Being that […]

Spoiler! She’s not out yet dammit.
Please explain this one to me DC Direct, why are we now finally getting a Spoiler figure and for whatever reason it’s not actually her? […]

The same yet different. Comparing Transformers 2 to G.I. Joe
You’ve been to wal-mart lately, admit it. What have you seen? Toy aisle specifically (don’t claim you don’t go there- you ARE reading THIS), well […]

so, are you married? Or happy?
Heads up people, whether we want one or not and we don’t, sooner than it ever should be we the cineplexes will have new film- […]

I mean fucking seriously? Today, as I was wiling away the hours at what I like to call my ‘eight hour inconvenience’ (also known as […]

Just give me my rings and no one gets hurt.
Let me tell you something, ever since I was about 12 years old I’ve wanted a damn Green Lantern ring. See about that time DC […]

Let’s tie this bitch down
Tomorrow Jason stomps his dead ass back into theaters… wait IS he dead in this one? You know I like remakes, or reimaginings… or to […]

Girlscout’s beat the shit out of birthday cake!
Like I told the girl scouts I ordered mine from the other day- ‘I wouldn’t suck dick for these. But I would consider it.’

Some Stooges for your Sunday entertainment
In light of my recent attendance of a Three Stooges film festival.Which, if you get the chance, you should all try to catch at least […]

Let me get this off my chest- I hate Grant Morrison, not that I wish him harm or that I think he’s an untalented hack, […]

Nothing too showy today, just some random thoughts.
Hey everyone! Many apologies are to be given for the recent bout of radio silence on my end. What can I say? I’ve had a […]

Maybe it’s just me?
Alright due to my having a bastard head cold from the equally if not more so a bastard storm yesterday I’m going to try to […]