These guys behind the TRON Legacy marketing are BUSY. Good golly. Here is some more stuff in case you missed it: Here is the corporate website for Encom, the fictional software company from the first movie that ends up being given to Kevin Flynn after the defeat of the MCP and Dillinger. This is… well I don’t know what the hell this is. I clicked on things for a few minutes and moved on. This site promises that they will help you restore your old arcade machines, including “Space Paranoids” and “TRON”. You need to go do this NOW. Super fun word-puzzle game as part of the previous site. Can you figure out all the video game names? HINT: They aren’t just “retro” ones. If you complete this with your “Flynn Lives” Username, you get a badge into Encom as a reward. I mean you upload a photo, the site creates an image of your “badge” and someone is going to print them out and send them to us. As a TRON nerd, this is PURE AWESOME.
SWEET CHRISTMAS!!! Mine is the mail!!!
im almost always scurrying around the online world virtually all of the day thus I possess a tendency to browse a ton, which unfortunately is not usually a good option as several of the pages I visit are composed of unnecessary crap copied from many other sites a trillion times, but I have to compliment you because this blog is indeed half decent and has a lot of genuine material, therefore cheers for removing the phenomena of just duplicating other individual’s websites, if you ever want to try a few hands of zynga poker with me just email me – you have my email 🙂
i was starting to feel i might be the sole guy who cared about this, at the least at present i acknowledge i’m not extreme 🙂 i’ll be sure to look at some various posts after i get some caffeine in me, it really is hard to read without having my coffee, I was until the wee hours of the morning last night playing zynga poker and after getting my fill with a few beers i wound up melting away all my facebook poker chips adios for now 🙂
hi there cool little web-site you got there 😉 I use the identical template on my own blog although for whatever nutty issue it appears to stream more quickly on this web site eventhough the one you have consists of a good deal more content material. Are you operating any kind of plugins or widgets that will quicken it up? If you could quite possibly display the titles so that I would be able to use these on my web pages so twilight breaking dawn supporters could watch twilight eclipse online trailers and videos quicker I’d personally be pleased – regards ahead of time 🙂
There are a few things you can do to speed the site up. Unfortunately, this template seems to be written not with page load time in mind. Look up WP-minify for a plugin, and do a google search for “Gzip” to learn how to compress your pages for faster load times. It took some trial and error for me. Good luck!