EPISODE I : The best of times…The worst of times…
What recession? The economy is in the crapper… layoffs are everywhere… morale is down… so what do we get in return?
Possibly the best toy year EVER! After a somewhat lackluster 2008 dominated by movie toys, 2009 is coming out guns blazing. Of course we still do have movie toys, from the upcoming Watchmen, Star Trek, Terminator Salvation, Transformers 2, and G.I.Joe, past movies are also getting the love, with (previously announced) Beetjuice and The Dark Crystal figures coming from NECA, but there have also been some surprises.
Amoktime continues to impress, revealing not only a continuation of the Killer Klowns line (with 2 new figures shown at NYCC, besides the announced Shorty), but also that they have the license to Return of the Living dead, and a horror grail, Re-Animator! Fanboys everywhere change their underwear immediately.
Unfortunately, they have to change them AGAIN, as Mattel, of all people, announces Ghostbusters figures! With actor likenesses! And also they’re making ‘Real Ghostbusters’ animated figures too! Party like it’s 1985!
In addition to these awesome announcements, Mattel and Hasbro are also pushing forward with renewed vigor on their comic-based lines. Unfortunately, the days of the 6″ Marvel Legends figures appear to be ending this year, but Hasbro is committed to pushing forward with the 3 3/4″ line, with a shit-ton of characters coming out this year, while Mattel surprises us with characters we NEVER thought we’d see in their 6″ DC Universe Classics line…I mean, Gentleman Ghost?! Really?! Holy shit! …I have to wonder if their 3 3/4″ ‘Crisis’ line will survive the year, as lackluster retail sales and lacking sculpts seem to be hurting it.
And that’s just the ‘mainstream’ companies,not counting what Hot toys, Sideshow, Mezco, etc. have coming… I tell you, in spite of all the darkness surrounding us, there is at least one light: Cool Fucking Toys!!!
And if nothing else, 2009 shows me the toy companies are coming out both barrels blazing… and we haven’t even gotten to Toy Fair yet…
Mattel has a classic comic line revival slated for announcement this summer too. But those details are highly classified.