Episode IV: WE Watch the Watchmen…
It’s a BAD time to be Alan Moore…
This week brings the release of Watchmen, the movie based upon the classic comic series from the mid-80’s… as astounding as it is that the movie was finally made, I’m even more astounded by the sheer amount of merchandise! Pins, buttons, shirts, posters, tie-in DVD’s, Halloween costumes, and toys all permeate the market, for an R-rated superhero flick… this could be a mistake, as the market for this is NOT kids, but hopefully most parents will realize this… as it is, I have partaken of
the DC Direct toys, and while the sculpts and paint apps are top notch, the articulation could be a little better…
Though with every piece I laugh a little… because I know for every piece of merchandise I buy, and every showing I go to, somewhere Alan Moore is cursing me and my very existence for “soiling” his work… wonder how he felt about the V for Vendetta movie?
I suppose you have a better thought on the subject?