Month: April 2009

More Wolverine News: Multiple Endings?
SO the latest in the “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” buzz is that there will be multiple “after credits” endings. According to the dude in this link, […]

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince posters revealed
Click for the rest!

DC Universe Classics Wave 7: Captain Cold review
In case anyone wonders, yes I am in fact getting through the reviews I don’t want to do first. Really, what is it about those […]

This is the Princess you were looking for
This one just has to be seen

DC Universe Classics Wave 7: Aquaman (Ocean Warrior)
‘Ocean Warrior’ huh? So what the hell is in the orange shirt? Oh right, background filler. I so wish I was kidding here. and one […]

Review – Stormtrooper from Sideshow Collectibles
From Sideshow Collectibles comes a 1:6 scale Stormtrooper. The Stormtrooper is one of the first armored pieces Sideshow has released in the Militaries segment of […]

Blackest Night Teaser- Take 2
So it would seem that coming back as a zombie allows you to grow your hand back.

The Codas (Codex) Gigas – The Devil’s Bible
The Codas Gigas: The Codex Gigas (English: Giant Book) is the largest extant medieval manuscript in the world. It was created in the early 13th […]

RIP Lou Perryman
Just learned that actor Lou Perryman, best known for his role as Lefty in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, was murdered this week in his home […]

Night of the Creeps hitting DVD finally!
Yet another so-called ‘lost’ 80’s horror flick is set to make it’s long awaited DVD release! From the info I’ve gotten the film will be […]

X-Men Origins: Wolverine – an early overview
Yeah, so Kyle mentioned that the new X-Men flick has leaked, and indeed it has. No, I did not download it. Yes, I did see […]

and the dead shall rise. Blackest Night Teaser revealed
brillance, simply brillance.

Time to hit the torrents nerds
For any of you who’s been curious as to how bad they’ve ‘raped Deadpoop’ well now you have your chance. Like the Halloween Remake before […]